What are the conditions for parole
If judges feel that detainees have turned and can integrate into society, detainees who meet certain legal conditions can get out of prison even with… Continue a ler »What are the conditions for parole
If judges feel that detainees have turned and can integrate into society, detainees who meet certain legal conditions can get out of prison even with… Continue a ler »What are the conditions for parole
If the former husband does not agree to go along with the child on holiday abroad, the solution is to provide his / her agreement.… Continue a ler »Ex-husband does not agree to take abroad the child on holiday. What can I do?
More recently, victims of domestic violence may demand a provisional order from the cops, without waiting for an ordinary one, approved by the judge. The… Continue a ler »Under what conditions are interim protection orders issued for victims of domestic violence
A law that has entered into force today brings several changes to the substantive jurisdiction of the courts in civil proceedings. These include the specification… Continue a ler »All applications for inheritance must now be filed with the court
There are legislative solutions that can get rid of some of the effects of forced execution, and obsolescence is one of them. Perimism is a… Continue a ler »When the creditor’s passivity helps us get rid of the execution
Processo 01400.004487/2018-97 – Termo de Fomento firmado com o Ministério da Cultura – Valor do Repasse: R$ 1.399.996,00
Processo 150.00005481/2018-54 – Termo de Fomento firmado com a Secretaria de Cultura do Distrito Federal – Valor do Repasse: R$ 769.600,00
Processo 00150.00005452/2018-92 – Carta de Captação de patrocínios através de Lei de Incentivo à Cultura do Distrito Federal – Valor Captado: R$ 120.000,00
Contrato de Patrocínio firmado com a EMBRATUR para o Projeto Brasil Junino – Europa 2017 – Valor do Patrocínio: R$ 5.000.000,00
Projeto O Maior São João do Cerrado 2014 – Convênio firmado com a Secretaria de Cultura do Distrito Federal – Valor do Repasse: R$ 2.708.262,72